While the Long Island Expressway has been reopened for today's commute, at least 29 school districts on Long Island will be closed today in the aftermath of the blizzard.
The deputy superintendent of the Eastern Suffolk Board of Cooperative Educational Services that people are still digging out and assessing what kind of shape their school buildings are in, Newsday reported.
Some areas got as much as 30 inches of snow.
Schools across Long Island already have suffered an unprecedented loss of class time due to Hurricane Sandy.

Trucks plow snow off the westbound lanes of the Long Island Expressway on Sunday.
About two-thirds of the districts are holding class during all or part of the February midwinter break to make up for lost instruction time.
The ramps off the L.I.E. and other major Long Island roadways are still snow covered. Traffic has been lighter than normal. Drivers on exit and entrance ramps were still following tire tracks in the snow on Monday morning.
Snow flew off the roofs of vehicles that were not properly cleaned.
Many residents stayed home because it was too hard to get around.
Local streets were still covered with 5 to 6 inches of packed snow and ice. In some places, there were holes in the snow that jolted vehicles down to patches of bare pavement.
Meanwhile, Metro-North says normal weekday train service is in effect on the railroad's Hudson and Harlem lines.
There's also normal service on the New Haven line between Stamford and Grand Central Terminal
And for the first time since the storm, trains between New Haven and Stamford are running but at half the normal weekday rush hour service level.
Train service also is resuming on the Danbury and New Canaan branches. The Waterbury branch remains suspended and CT Transit is unable to provide buses due to local road conditions.
On the Danbury branch, four of the five regular trains will operate.
The city is under a freezing rain advisory until late morning with it changing over to rain by noon, according to Fox 5.
Heavy showers are expected midday into the early afternoon but should clear out overnight. The high today will be in the upper 40s.
Tomorrow will be clear iwth highs in the low- to mid-40s.More snow may put a chill on Valentine's Day plans later this week.
29 LI school districts closed after blizzard; L.I.E. reopened
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29 LI school districts closed after blizzard; L.I.E. reopened